Monday, September 18, 2006

Too Much Love

I picked up the girl from nursery last week and, as I was riding the metro home, I noticed a a raised ring about the size of a quater on her right arm, down near the wrist.

My first thought was that it might be ring worm. I had it once in Airborne school and it looked just like that. Upon closer examination, though, it looked a little bit more like baby teeth marks. So, despite spending the weekend having horrible dreams about ringworm spreading all over my child's body (and then spreading to me) I waited for a few days. Sure enough, the marks faded to a bruise. Case closed.

So, on Sunday, when I picked her up, I asked the teacher, "did she get bitten?"

The teacher responded "yes, she did get bit today."

I, thinking there must be a language problem, said, "No, she was bitten on Thursday."

But the teacher insisted that it was today, telling me she had applied antibiotic ointment and everything. Sure enough, the little bite marks were back on her arm.

I asked the teacher what was going on and why was some child biting my daughter. Her response?

"The other children love her so much; they just want to eat her up."

I don't know how to respond to that. Any suggestions?

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