Friday, December 15, 2006

Teaching Writing the Hypocritcal Way

I teach writing at a very basic level. Often times, I have to spend several weeks teaching the students what a sentence is, that it must be a complete sentence, and not a run-on sentence. I tell them how many clauses to put into their sentences (3) and that at least one of them should be a subordinant clause. I do this because our teachers who grade essays are sentence nazis. They will fail a student for having a few comma splices, or for stringing a number of clauses together with a bunch of subordinant conjunctions. To be fair, I also do it because, at the level these guys are writing, they need all of the structural clarity they can get in their sentences. The meaning is so often difficult to interpret because of the weak vocabulary (this is aside from the fact that they rarely have anything to say in the first place).

Anyway, I'm feeling a little guilty for this tonight, especially after looking at the completely haphazard way I string clauses together. I actually got an e-mail from the diecter of our program a few years ago, mildly suggesting that, as an English teacher, it might be better if I didn't have comma splices in my e-mails. Whatever.

So I want to have a contest:
For all my devoted readers (both of you), see if you can post an example of a comma splice in the comments section. If more than fifty percent of the comments do have a comma splice, I won't feel so bad about sucking all the life out of my students. Doesn't this sound fun?



Blogger Jess said...

you could start by spelling hypocritical right, and maybe you could just edit my blog(s) for comma splices?

1:26 AM  
Blogger Jonah said...

Hmmmph, I don't count typos as spelling mistakes, smartass ;) No, if I had written hippocratical, you'd have a point. Actually, maybe I should teach writing the hippocratic way: " First, do no harm."

6:38 AM  
Blogger exnihil said...

I enjoy shrimp, they remind me of little pink commas.

(I'll save you the trouble: 53 google results)

7:57 AM  
Blogger Jonah said...

Well, isn't that cheating then? Could you have come up with it on your own?

9:56 AM  
Blogger exnihil said...

53 results for commas of the pink variety, not the spliced. Afford me some credit, sir.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Jonah said...

You googled pink commas? My hat is off to you, sir!

12:45 AM  
Blogger Alijah Fitt said...

she spliced the film, she spliced the commas.

Although my professors constantly slap my wrist about my technical English skills, I ignore them. I comma whenever I pause in my mind. What's a comma splice anyway?

6:20 PM  

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