Thursday, September 25, 2008

Trying to avoid work

copied from Chiba

* Put your music player on random.
* Post the first line from the first 32 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
* Let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from.
* Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly.
* Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

1. See a man standing over a dead dog
2. These twenty acres and one [june meal?] from the alabama trust
3. Maybe you wanna give me kisses sweet
4. Flying in silver bird across the sky
5. She's got her ticket
6. Meet me where the river turns
7. Yo, looking back on the boogie when cats used to harmonize?
8. You call me the rock, I can rock you all night long
9. Give me back my broken life
10. I was not created in the likeness of a pod
11. Sorry, is all that you can say
12. Elevator going up! In the cleaning corridor of the 51st floor
13. Well now its two, there's two trains running
14. There I was one night, just a normal guy
15. There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear
16. I sincerely miss those heavy metal bands
17. Baby Baby baby, what's it going to be?
18. I got the cocaine to keep me the cocaine to keep me home
19. Untie these strings from my heart
20. Unburdened of their passengers the taxis have all scattered
21. Now along about 1825 I left tenessee very much alive
22. Now I don't I used to Now I'm in Now I don't
23. I think I lost it let me know if you come across it
24. I drew a picture of you you and your anchor tattoo
25. When your weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes
26. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
27. When you seem like days to me, no time on my hands
28. Sleeping, always sleeping, you so sleepy you can't even hold your head up
29. Yo yo what's up, yo gimme some of that gangsta ass shit, yo know what I'm saying
30. Our fingers touch upon my lips, its a morning yearning, morning yearning
31. Hey baby I ain't asking what you do
32. Blackbird singing in the dead of night


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