Friday, March 02, 2007

Well, I never wanted to be the type of blogger who would disappear for weeks at a time only to post a note about how busy he was and then disappear for another long bout. Given my frequency of posts, however, it looks like I’m creeping dangerously in that direction. That said, I would like to boast about the stuff I’ve been doing in recently:

I had a HUGE winter break, over five weeks from the end of classes to the first day of Spring Semester (last Tuesday). With that in mind, I gave myself an enormous list of projects for the month. Ah, how naive. Here’s how January actually went:

Week 1: visit with mother and father-inlaw. Lots of fun, no work done at all.

Week 2: J returned to work, I hung out with Mk. No work done at all (I had actually planned on doing work during her nap time. What I didn’t plan on was that I would need that nap time for…napping.

Week 3: I caved and had the girl go into School with J. Woo hoo! Freedom! No, wait, Mk got an ear infection and had to stay home, see week 2.

Week 4: “That’s it!” I decided and made sure I went into the office to work. Turns out I can play Cyber Nations just as easily there :( Also, turns out I had completely miscalculated when the semester would begin. Although I still had another week to go before classes started, I had agreed to conduct a workshop and student orientation for

Editor's Note: This post was written three weeks ago, just as the semester was begining. As you can see, I didn't even have enough time to finish my sentence. I've been THAT busy. I've got lots more to say, but its 1am and I want to sleep. I'll try to write more soon, I promise. Thanks to all of you who've asked for more.

Oh, and by the way, since one simple blog is obviously too much for me, I'm giving up trying to use live journal for now. I will remain at e-blogger.

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